Well, this year's birthday is memorable, coz i am now a mummy! I still remember same time last year, i had my pregnancy confirmed on my birthday! The past year has been a year of joy, as well as its fair share of ups and downs, but i am grateful for every moment of it. From having to be hospitalised coz i was spotting to the eventual birth of Isaac, 2008 has marked a new chapter of my life. Now, shopping trips have to be planned, bath times have to be timed (after breastfeeding), meal times are a rush, travel plans have to be put on hold and most importantly, restful sleep is a rare commodity! But i'm not complaining coz we finally have little precious Isaac after years of waiting.
Chee Meng brought me out on a dinner date to Da Paolo Bistro Bar at Rochester Park, which is a stone's throw away from my parents' place where i am now a permanent resident. He kept the location a surprise but i kinda knew it would be somewhere along Rochester Park as i had not been there before and it's near my parents' place which meant that we could zip back quickly if necessary. Mum helped to look after Isaac while we sneaked out. It was a nice, dark (romantic!) place and perfect for our precious couple-time. And for once, i left Isaac out of my radar for 2 hours so that i can relax a little. It has been quite stressful lately looking after the little fella, whose body clock has been timed to kick up a fuss at about 10 plus at night before he goes to bed. And as my mum says, he looks for me/my smell at night (read: no overseas trips for now!!).
However, much as i dread night times, he is quite fun to play with these days. He's getting quite talkative and noisy, with his ooohhhs and aahhhss. He giggles when you tickle him and somehow seem to sing along when i sing to him. He's such a joy, that is, when he is not cranky! He's 4 months+ now and still wakes up at least once at night for milk (read: interrupted sleep!).
And by the way, did i update all that Isaac weighs 8.3kg and is 67.5cm long at 4 months? Dr Ngiam said that the average weight for a 1 year-old is 9.5kg, and that since Isaac is growing up so quickly, he will slow down in his growth eventually and we should not be alarmed. Well, for me, it just means that he will help me tone up my biceps!
Here are some recent pics of the three of us!
Will try to upload a video of Isaac doing his ooohhhhss and aaahhhhsss soon!
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