When Isaac was still in my belly, i said a few 'nevers' such as - i will never let Isaac suck the pacifier, i will never let Isaac sleep in a sarong. Well, i relented to both the pacifier and the sarong just to ensure that the little fella can sleep well and sleep enough.
Isaac started the pacifier after his full-month celebrations and luckily he don't really like it that much and even spits it out when we try to put it in his mouth to make him sleep. And when he sucks on the pacifier, it really helps him to sleep and it's cute seeing him suck on it.
As for the sarong, Isaac slept in it for the first time yesterday and seemed to enjoy it. The journey to the sarong came a long way. Since birth, we've tried all ways and means to make Isaac sleep - without carrying, without swaying, without the sarong. But Isaac was the direct opposite! He wants to be carried, he wants to be swayed which meant that we have to spend most of our time carrying him so that he can sleep. He's also an active baby and seems to require less sleep as compared to the normal babies. The first question every morning is 'did he sleep?' So we finally decided to buy a sarong for him so that we can spare our arms the 'pain' from carrying the little fella. I was deciding between the normal sarong or a motorised sarong and decided to get a normal sarong coz i still remembered that my younger brother would only need to be rocked a while then he would sleep soundly. Hence, no need for a motorised sarong. But i was wrong!!! Isaac would fall asleep after a few rocks, then he will make noise after at most 10 mins and we would have to rock him again. Which means that i have to be positioned near the sarong while he is sleeping!! Not time-efficient!! Time for a motorised sarong! I will go get one over the weekend so that we can 'squeeze' more time for ourselves!
So, the moral of the story is - never say never. You never know when the never will be reversed:)
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