Isaac seeing the world on his third day!
As fate would have it, all my talk about delivering him naturally, having no epidural all came to nought coz in the end, i delivered him via caesarean section. The first consideration for c-section was because we thought Isaac would be a big baby and i might have problems delivering him. Secondly, i heard about how my colleague's daughter had to go for emergency c-section eventually which meant that she had to suffer twice. Thirdly, my mum somehow had a hunch and was egging me to opt for a c-section. Well, i'm glad i opted for a c-section coz Dr Chew told me after delivery that Isaac had one round of his cord round his neck. Perhaps that's the reason why there was no sound no picture despite Isaac being head-down at 37 weeks!!
At my last consultation on 9 Sep, we discussed with Dr Chew the option of a c-section. Dr Chew, who is pro-natural, was open to me having a c-section coz he also feared that Isaac would be too big for me which meant that i might still have to go for emergency c-section if i can't deliver him naturally. He said 'no point suffering twice' but he said that we should give Isaac a chance to come to this world naturally on his due date on 10 Sep. And if there are no signs that Isaac is ready to come to this world, then i go to the hospital on 10 Sep, 10pm and have the c-section on 11 Sep, 8am. Chee Meng looked at me and then told Dr Chew 'huh, 11 Sep... she don't want to have a 9-11 baby...'. That's when Dr Chew laughed non-stop for a good 3 minutes as he was so tickled about the 9-11 thing! But then i told Dr Chew that i'm ok with 9-11 if it has to be 9-11 coz i was also getting impatient about getting Isaac into this world soon after resting for about 10 days doing nothing but sleeping and eating...
As there was no picture, no sound on 10 Sep, I admitted myself to Gleneagles Hospital at 10pm that night. I felt quite emotional - a mixture of fear and anxiety - before i left my parents' home and it also dawned on me that after that night, i would not just be a daughter to my parents but would be promoted to become a mother. It got worse when my dad hugged me and told me that 'all would be ok' before i left for the hospital. There is this thing about fathers and daughters, especially between my father and me, and my tears keep flowing whenever my dad hugs me and comforts me. After hugging my father, i went on to hug my mother who was also tearing.. see lah, so drama huh?!
On 11 Sep, 6am, the nurse woke me up and i prepared myself for the surgery. Chee Meng arrived at 6.45am and we chatted for a while before the nurse came to get me to the operating theatre at about 7.30am. Chee Meng followed me down to the OT and waited outside for Isaac. Chee Meng 'met' Isaac slightly after 8.40am and followed Isaac and the nurse to the nursery where Chee Meng was asked to check that Isaac's hands and feet are intact etc. Chee Meng told me that he was so touched and emotional when he first saw Isaac. I was wheeled back to my room and was awake at about 9.10am (the anaesthetist did a good job in administering just the right dosage!)
My mum arrived at 11 plus and was the first grandparent to see Isaac. Dad arrived about 4plus and was excited to see Isaac... and he was particularly happy that Isaac has a 'kok-tau'. And Isaac reciprocated by opening his eyes wide open to greet Grandpa and Grandma!
I want to thank everyone who came by the hospital to visit me - Damien, Alice, Sally, Angie, Felicia, Lai Lian, Chee Meng's colleagues, Angeline, Lauren, Bing, YY, Sandra, Lim Tim, Irene, Jennifer, Mrs Chua, Alan and all our relatives.
Watch this space! Will post more pictures of Isaac soon!
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