Thursday, May 29, 2008

The 2 Bs - Blood sugar and Bodyweight

Just visited the doctor's on Tue to test my blood sugar to see if i have gestational diabetes. I was rather worried a few days before the visit as i really don't want to have to deal with diabetes when there are more things to deal with. But, just as i had my anxieties over the blood sugar test, something had to come along to tempt me - DURIANS! Sugar and protein-loaded but it is the shiokest fruit in the world! I was aware of the sugar content but i chose to remember what people have been telling me - that durians are very good source of protein!

My dad's friend gave us some durians on Sun and yours truly, who usually cannot resist durians, just had to eat it and ended up consuming 6-7 seeds. So that was Sunday. And on Monday, my dad passed by our friendly neighbourhood shop that sell durians and was told 'i guarantee you that the durian is very very good!' and he happily brought back two boxes. Boy, the Monday supplies are simply fantastic. It has tiny tiny seeds, taste really really good and i ended up consuming one whole box (ie, 1 durian). I think i must have eaten the same amount on Sunday and Monday.

That's why i was a bit worried when i trotted down to Dr Chew's clinic for the blood test. I was told to have my lunch at 12noon then be at the clinic at 2pm. I followed the instructions to the dot. I also swear my heartbeat was faster than normal times when i stepped into the clinic, and i had to psycho myself to breathe normally when i was laying on the bed waiting for the nurse to check my blood pressure. Then the results - my blood sugar was 122 (the 'high' normal) and my blood pressure was normal. Phew!

Dr Chew asked me to cut down on carbohydrates as i am putting on weight. I've put on about 1 kg each week for the last 3 weeks. And the worst thing is that i have been eating normally (ie, 3 meals of normal portion each day) and didn't have any cravings. That's why i have to repeat my blood sugar test again in 3 weeks.

Well, I will be cutting down on carbos from now on! And i'm so glad durians are known for their proteins and not carbo! Maybe i will have another durian feast this weekend:) I love durians!

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