Today is my last day at work before i embark on my journey as a new mummy for the next 6 months. Bebe's due date is on 10 Sep but i thought i'll start my leave earlier and take some rest before Bebe joins us. This will be the longest break i've taken since i started work 12 years ago. Yes, 12 years and with the same employer:) Which explains why i can afford to take another 2 months off, on top of the 4 months maternity leave that i will be entitled to.
I've always enjoyed working, as compared to studying, for the simple reason what working only comes with deadlines and the occasional project work but no endless assignments/homework/exams that repeats itself with a vengeance every semester. Well, the new 'course' that i will be signing up for, ie 'Mummy 101', will be a life-long project that spans through day and night but i'm looking forward to it. Chee Meng and i have been married for 6 years and frankly, after a while, there's just so much of travelling, shopping and couple-time that you need. We decided that we will take a mega-long vacation before we seriously try to have a baby. We are really glad that God answered our prayers and let us have Bebe after our two-week holiday in New York/Canada end of last year. And just in case you are wondering, Bebe is a post-NYC baby:) (oops, too much information?!)
I'm about 10 minutes to my official end-time... i will miss the people here as well as the good food in Amoy & Maxwell Food Centre:) Not sure if i will miss working though... coz i'm quite certain i will enjoy spending time with Bebe.
Now it's really counting down...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
It's a Waiting Game now...
Well, saw Dr Chew for a medical consultation yesterday and the outcome of it was that 'we'll just have to wait' though Bebe's head is engaged. Dr Chew also asked laughingly if Bebe would be a 9-11 baby in view that his due date is 10 Sep (2 more weeks to go!). Well, i have a feeling that Bebe will be born earlier than his EDD but i've been psycho-ing him to join us only after 1 Sep coz that's the date that i applied for leave! And i still have some outstanding stuff to wrap up at work:)
In any case, after months of procrastination, i finally signed up for cordblood banking with StemCord yesterday at their office at Gleneagles Medical Centre. I've always been keen on cordblood banking and the fact that i can use Bebe's child development account (as part of the baby bonus package) for the annual storage fee is an added advantage. Basically, i chose StemCord coz the people behind it are medical professionals including Dr Ang Peng Thiam, a renowned oncologist. And StemCord also offers a special package for Dr Chew's patients so all systems are in place. So, after signing up, i got a box of stuff containing syringes, tubes for blood collection and a bag to collect Bebe's blood from the umbillical cord. And i will just pass it to the nurse at the delivery ward and the nurses will know what to do. After delivery, Chee Meng is supposed to call StemCord to arrange for collection at the nurse station. So a fairly simple procedure.
I've also been reading up on breastfeeding articles lately. All the articles by medical professionals and nursing mothers all tell of the need to persevere in the moo-moo process. Tales of sore nipples, engorgement, clogged milk ducts seemed like a normal occurence for all nursing mothers. I'm quite prepared for these little humps and barriers and i'm very determined to nurse Bebe exclusively for 6 months. I've also been doing what Dr Chew had advised me to do - to clean the nipples in preparation for breastfeeding which has been quite effective. Well, the only thing i need to do now is to hope that the moo-moo experience will be smooth-sailing!
Bebe has also been doing his 'breakdances' quite a bit, until i have to tell him 'Ooi..' then he will stop squirming around for a while. But only for a while, before he starts his moves again. And somehow, Bebe moves quite a bit when he hears my mum's voice. And of course, grandma will tell him "do your breakdance..." and when he does, grandma will say to him "good boy, clever boy"... Let's see how Bebe responds to grandma when he is born...
Till then, let's keep on waiting...
In any case, after months of procrastination, i finally signed up for cordblood banking with StemCord yesterday at their office at Gleneagles Medical Centre. I've always been keen on cordblood banking and the fact that i can use Bebe's child development account (as part of the baby bonus package) for the annual storage fee is an added advantage. Basically, i chose StemCord coz the people behind it are medical professionals including Dr Ang Peng Thiam, a renowned oncologist. And StemCord also offers a special package for Dr Chew's patients so all systems are in place. So, after signing up, i got a box of stuff containing syringes, tubes for blood collection and a bag to collect Bebe's blood from the umbillical cord. And i will just pass it to the nurse at the delivery ward and the nurses will know what to do. After delivery, Chee Meng is supposed to call StemCord to arrange for collection at the nurse station. So a fairly simple procedure.
I've also been reading up on breastfeeding articles lately. All the articles by medical professionals and nursing mothers all tell of the need to persevere in the moo-moo process. Tales of sore nipples, engorgement, clogged milk ducts seemed like a normal occurence for all nursing mothers. I'm quite prepared for these little humps and barriers and i'm very determined to nurse Bebe exclusively for 6 months. I've also been doing what Dr Chew had advised me to do - to clean the nipples in preparation for breastfeeding which has been quite effective. Well, the only thing i need to do now is to hope that the moo-moo experience will be smooth-sailing!
Bebe has also been doing his 'breakdances' quite a bit, until i have to tell him 'Ooi..' then he will stop squirming around for a while. But only for a while, before he starts his moves again. And somehow, Bebe moves quite a bit when he hears my mum's voice. And of course, grandma will tell him "do your breakdance..." and when he does, grandma will say to him "good boy, clever boy"... Let's see how Bebe responds to grandma when he is born...
Till then, let's keep on waiting...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
"It's Anytime"
Those are the words Dr Chew said after my medical consultation with him yesterday. He said that Bebe's head is low and it's a waiting game now. Of course, Chee Meng was rather excited and kept asking Dr Chew "so, it's this week? or next week?" and Dr Chew could only smile and tell him "only God will know".. Then i realised that Chee Meng was worried about the fact that i have not packed my bag and i would be in a state of panic if Bebe do decide to arrive earlier. But, i have already packed my bag, with the help of mum (what can i do without her?!).
She helped me packed stuff into the bag on Tuesday night and she seemed appalled that i'm so kiasu and bringing so many things along. My rationale was that i'll be bringing the stuff back home to Sengkang anyway, so it's ok to be kiasu and pack more stuff! So, in my bag there are 3 sets of pyjamas, 3 nursing bras, 1 cardigan, sanitary pads, 3 packs of disposable panties, 2 pairs of socks, Bebe's 'going home' outfit, receiving towel for Bebe, hospital admission form and other knick-knacks. Seems like a lot, but as i said, i'm bringing home to Sengkang anyway, so it's ok:)
The receiving towel that we'll be using for Bebe has a long history - 37 years in fact. This is the same towel that mum used for my elder brother, myself and my younger brother. I will try to take a picture of this little piece of something with Bebe wrapped up in it when Bebe is born! It has become a 'family heirloom' and that's why my mum insists on getting good quality stuff for babies, so that it can be passed down to the next generation. Hence, it's no wonder that all the rompers that Bebe is wearing is of good quality cotton and there are a couple of them that costs more than 2 Giordano t-shirts each! And of course, Bebe has the good fortune of being the first grandchild in the Lee family and will get to enjoy the finest first! Lucky Bebe! And, this is just his initial wardrobe.. can you imagine Bebe's wardrobe from 3 months onwards?
Anyway, also got the all-clear from Dr Chew re the Strep-B test, so i don't need any antibiotics. But he said that my urine sample is not too clear, with a bit of yeast infection, so he prescribed one dosage of some medicine that i'm supposed to mix with water. Else, everything is fine. Though the irritating rash has returned, been having heartburns and i'm feeling the skin stretching even more...
During the scan, Chee Meng was asking if we can see Bebe's face, but Dr Chew said that Bebe has turned head-down and won't be able to see his face. This will be the surprise that we'll get on delivery day! Hmmm... who will Bebe take after?
I've also been telling Bebe that mummy has to settle some stuff in the office and 'negotiated' with Bebe to wait till 1 Sep, which is the date that i've applied for leave anyway. I told Bebe to continue to enjoy his time inside mummy for a while longer and i will 'alert' him when 1 Sep comes! Then he can decide when he is ready to come join us!
10 more days to go before 1 Sep! Then it can be anytime!
She helped me packed stuff into the bag on Tuesday night and she seemed appalled that i'm so kiasu and bringing so many things along. My rationale was that i'll be bringing the stuff back home to Sengkang anyway, so it's ok to be kiasu and pack more stuff! So, in my bag there are 3 sets of pyjamas, 3 nursing bras, 1 cardigan, sanitary pads, 3 packs of disposable panties, 2 pairs of socks, Bebe's 'going home' outfit, receiving towel for Bebe, hospital admission form and other knick-knacks. Seems like a lot, but as i said, i'm bringing home to Sengkang anyway, so it's ok:)
The receiving towel that we'll be using for Bebe has a long history - 37 years in fact. This is the same towel that mum used for my elder brother, myself and my younger brother. I will try to take a picture of this little piece of something with Bebe wrapped up in it when Bebe is born! It has become a 'family heirloom' and that's why my mum insists on getting good quality stuff for babies, so that it can be passed down to the next generation. Hence, it's no wonder that all the rompers that Bebe is wearing is of good quality cotton and there are a couple of them that costs more than 2 Giordano t-shirts each! And of course, Bebe has the good fortune of being the first grandchild in the Lee family and will get to enjoy the finest first! Lucky Bebe! And, this is just his initial wardrobe.. can you imagine Bebe's wardrobe from 3 months onwards?
Anyway, also got the all-clear from Dr Chew re the Strep-B test, so i don't need any antibiotics. But he said that my urine sample is not too clear, with a bit of yeast infection, so he prescribed one dosage of some medicine that i'm supposed to mix with water. Else, everything is fine. Though the irritating rash has returned, been having heartburns and i'm feeling the skin stretching even more...
During the scan, Chee Meng was asking if we can see Bebe's face, but Dr Chew said that Bebe has turned head-down and won't be able to see his face. This will be the surprise that we'll get on delivery day! Hmmm... who will Bebe take after?
I've also been telling Bebe that mummy has to settle some stuff in the office and 'negotiated' with Bebe to wait till 1 Sep, which is the date that i've applied for leave anyway. I told Bebe to continue to enjoy his time inside mummy for a while longer and i will 'alert' him when 1 Sep comes! Then he can decide when he is ready to come join us!
10 more days to go before 1 Sep! Then it can be anytime!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
All Vinegared Up!
Mum, the greatest chef (in my opinion), came by to cook her famous vinegared ginger for my confinement last Sunday, filling the house with the wonderful smell of vinegar and sesame oil! This is a classic Cantonese dish for confinement and it is believed to help in expelling wind from the body.
So, let's start with the ingredients - sesame oil, black vinegar and 'Boon Tong' ginger (only available in Malaysia - all thanks to my brother who lugged back 5kgs for me and my parents who scrapped the skin off the ginger!) :

Preparing the vinegar - by adding brown sugar in it. I was the official taster and it is sooooooo good!! :

Frying the 'Boon Tong' ginger in sesame oil:

Transferring the fried ginger into the vinegar:
Viola! The vinegared ginger is done!

The ginger will have to be soaked in the vinegar for a few weeks, so that the vinegar will be spicy enough to do it's job - to expel wind! And usually by then, the ginger will just taste like any other vegetable/root... well, i can't wait to taste this yummy pot of good stuff! And of course, the pig trotters and egg that gets soaked together with the vinegar as well...
So, let's start with the ingredients - sesame oil, black vinegar and 'Boon Tong' ginger (only available in Malaysia - all thanks to my brother who lugged back 5kgs for me and my parents who scrapped the skin off the ginger!) :
Preparing the vinegar - by adding brown sugar in it. I was the official taster and it is sooooooo good!! :
Frying the 'Boon Tong' ginger in sesame oil:
Transferring the fried ginger into the vinegar:
Viola! The vinegared ginger is done!
The ginger will have to be soaked in the vinegar for a few weeks, so that the vinegar will be spicy enough to do it's job - to expel wind! And usually by then, the ginger will just taste like any other vegetable/root... well, i can't wait to taste this yummy pot of good stuff! And of course, the pig trotters and egg that gets soaked together with the vinegar as well...
Bebe's first furniture!
Shared in an earlier post that we bought Bebe's first furniture which were delivered to us in quite a frenzy to avoid the 7th lunar month.. Hmm... a little superstitious - but better listen than regret right?! And i'm really glad that my mum was around to help me arrange the stuff when it was delivered.
So here it goes... presenting... Bebe's first cot and chest of drawers in Daddy & Mummy's bedroom! And, just to orientate you... my side of the bed will be closest to Bebe's cot... so no prizes for guessing who will wake up first to coo the little fella when he makes noise!

Bebe's cot (apologies.. have not 'dressed' it up with the bedsheet with lots of car/train prints (chosen by Grandma!) as yet..). Bebe's chest of drawers (which doubles up as a changing table/bathtub as well).

We also bought a cradle for Bebe... so that he can sleep with the confinement nanny at night. My mum's theory is that Bebe will sleep in the cot in the daytime (so that he will get comfy with his little bed) and sleep in the cradle at night. So that i can get some rest...
And, as an aside, my mum also bought a potty for Bebe!! She said that it is important to build it into Bebe's regime to sit on a potty even as a newborn (which was what she did with all 3 of us!), so that he will get used to doing his business in a potty next time! Well, it's all about inculcating the right habits in Bebe since young, which i'll be happy to follow!

Bebe's first potty!!
Hmm... watch this space for Bebe's first poo-poo!! Haha!
So here it goes... presenting... Bebe's first cot and chest of drawers in Daddy & Mummy's bedroom! And, just to orientate you... my side of the bed will be closest to Bebe's cot... so no prizes for guessing who will wake up first to coo the little fella when he makes noise!
Bebe's cot (apologies.. have not 'dressed' it up with the bedsheet with lots of car/train prints (chosen by Grandma!) as yet..). Bebe's chest of drawers (which doubles up as a changing table/bathtub as well).
We also bought a cradle for Bebe... so that he can sleep with the confinement nanny at night. My mum's theory is that Bebe will sleep in the cot in the daytime (so that he will get comfy with his little bed) and sleep in the cradle at night. So that i can get some rest...
And, as an aside, my mum also bought a potty for Bebe!! She said that it is important to build it into Bebe's regime to sit on a potty even as a newborn (which was what she did with all 3 of us!), so that he will get used to doing his business in a potty next time! Well, it's all about inculcating the right habits in Bebe since young, which i'll be happy to follow!
Bebe's first potty!!
Hmm... watch this space for Bebe's first poo-poo!! Haha!
Bebe's first wardrobe
Finally managed to download pictures that I've taken in the last few weeks from my digital camera. So, presenting..... Bebe's first wardrobe!
Mum helped me to wash Bebe's clothings, leggings, socks, mittens, cap 2 weeks ago and i was so happy to see them when i went home one day and saw all of them nicely hung up for drying. It's so tiny and so cutey!

Bebe's socks (thanks to Auntie Daphne!), rompers and leggings (so cute right?!) !

Bebe's mittens, socks and caps!
Mum helped me to wash Bebe's clothings, leggings, socks, mittens, cap 2 weeks ago and i was so happy to see them when i went home one day and saw all of them nicely hung up for drying. It's so tiny and so cutey!
Bebe's socks (thanks to Auntie Daphne!), rompers and leggings (so cute right?!) !
Bebe's mittens, socks and caps!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Counting Down - 4 more weeks to go!
Had my consultation with Dr Chew yesterday, where he did the Group Strep B test and discussed the birthplan with me. The Group Strep B test is intended to test if i've Strep B infection which is harmless to adults but can cause pneumonia, meningitis in newborns. I've been asking friends who have done the test before if it is something like a papsmear and they said almost similar. So, i was all psyched up for an uncomfortable papsmear-like test and worrying about the possible side-effects, but it turned out to be a gentle swap with a stick with a cottonbud head. Well, the whole experience turned out to be ok just a slight discomfort. [hmmm, shall not go into the details:)] Will know the outcome of the test at my next consultation next Wednesday:) Hope it is ok coz otherwise i think i will have to be put on antibiotics to clear the infection.
Dr Chew also discussed the birthplan with me. He said that we will aim for normal delivery and said that Bebe will be quite a big baby but my physique should be ok to handle a baby over 3 kgs. I also asked him about Chee Meng cutting the umbillical cord and he said that Chee Meng can do it if he wants to, but he has seen husbands who fainted in the delivery room. I told Chee Meng about it last night that he can actually cut the cord, and he was like 'don't want lah...'. So, we shall leave it as such coz i don't want him to pass out! Haha! Dr Chew also said that he will leave it to me if i want an epidural and shared that he had a patient who asked for an epidural when she was 7cm dilated, which is technically too late and won't do much to relieve the pain:)
Dr Chew also said that i should check myself into the hospital if (i) my waterbag breaks, (ii) have any form of bleeding or (iii) feel any pain at regular intervals. He also explained when he will need to do a c-section during labour, ie, if (i) there are signs of foetal distress, (ii) waterbag breaks, (iii) increase in blood pressure, or (iv) no progress in labour.
Dr Chew was also visibly pleased when i told him that i will put Bebe on total breastfeeding for at least 6 months. He taught me to start preparing my breasts for the moo-moo experience - to place cotton wools soaked in warm water over the nipples for 15 minutes before shower and then clean it with a mild cleanser after shower, followed by a gentle massage. He said that this should unclog the nipples and that i should not worry if i should experience leaks in colostrum while doing so. I also asked him that i was told we should not massage the breast too much/forcefully as it may trigger contractions. He just said that it would be good if we can trigger contractions so easily:) He's quite funny.
Well, it's just another 4 more weeks to go and i should say that i'm about 60% done in preparing the necessary stuff for Bebe. Much of the preparations should go to my mum, who has been washing little Bebe's clothings, socks, mittens and everything else. I took some pictures of Bebe's laundry the other day and they are so tiny and cute! Will attempt to post some of the pictures over the weekend. But, the greatest thing that's happening this weekend is that my mum will prepare her famous pig trotters & ginger in vinegar! According to her, the vinegared ginger will need to be be soaked/kept for a month so that it has the desired effect of expelling wind from the body! Yums - this is one dish that i'm looking forward to during confinement:)
Dr Chew also discussed the birthplan with me. He said that we will aim for normal delivery and said that Bebe will be quite a big baby but my physique should be ok to handle a baby over 3 kgs. I also asked him about Chee Meng cutting the umbillical cord and he said that Chee Meng can do it if he wants to, but he has seen husbands who fainted in the delivery room. I told Chee Meng about it last night that he can actually cut the cord, and he was like 'don't want lah...'. So, we shall leave it as such coz i don't want him to pass out! Haha! Dr Chew also said that he will leave it to me if i want an epidural and shared that he had a patient who asked for an epidural when she was 7cm dilated, which is technically too late and won't do much to relieve the pain:)
Dr Chew also said that i should check myself into the hospital if (i) my waterbag breaks, (ii) have any form of bleeding or (iii) feel any pain at regular intervals. He also explained when he will need to do a c-section during labour, ie, if (i) there are signs of foetal distress, (ii) waterbag breaks, (iii) increase in blood pressure, or (iv) no progress in labour.
Dr Chew was also visibly pleased when i told him that i will put Bebe on total breastfeeding for at least 6 months. He taught me to start preparing my breasts for the moo-moo experience - to place cotton wools soaked in warm water over the nipples for 15 minutes before shower and then clean it with a mild cleanser after shower, followed by a gentle massage. He said that this should unclog the nipples and that i should not worry if i should experience leaks in colostrum while doing so. I also asked him that i was told we should not massage the breast too much/forcefully as it may trigger contractions. He just said that it would be good if we can trigger contractions so easily:) He's quite funny.
Well, it's just another 4 more weeks to go and i should say that i'm about 60% done in preparing the necessary stuff for Bebe. Much of the preparations should go to my mum, who has been washing little Bebe's clothings, socks, mittens and everything else. I took some pictures of Bebe's laundry the other day and they are so tiny and cute! Will attempt to post some of the pictures over the weekend. But, the greatest thing that's happening this weekend is that my mum will prepare her famous pig trotters & ginger in vinegar! According to her, the vinegared ginger will need to be be soaked/kept for a month so that it has the desired effect of expelling wind from the body! Yums - this is one dish that i'm looking forward to during confinement:)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Diabetically Free!
Was given the all-clear of gestational diabetes by Dr Chew during a medical consultation on Tue. What a relief! He said that it was most probably a case of me taking too much starchy food before my blood sugar test earlier. But he said that he will continue to monitor me closely and i will have to do my blood sugar test again next week. Just to be safe. Well, on my part, i've been consciously cutting down on carbs as well:)
Dr Chew also told me that he will be doing a Strep-B test next week and will also discuss the birthplan with me. Well, i asked Chee Meng if he will want to cut Bebe's umbilical cord after delivery and he seemed a little queasy. Chee Meng said that Mrs Wong (our ante-natal class trainer) said that fathers no longer had that option, though i'm not sure if it was the case. Maybe he's just chickening out... haha... but it will be such a nice thing for Chee Meng to do, afterall, Bebe is so precious to us:)
I was also relieved that Dr Chew is very pro-breastfeeding. Dr Chew contributed an article in Mind Your Body yesterday which talked about the merits of breastfeeding. I am a believer in breastfeeding, coz i think it's the best thing a mother can provide for her child. Incidentally, the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE) also projected a savings of a couple of hundreds of dollars in milk powder if a mother choose to breastfeed her child. Wow! That's quite a lot of money! But money aside, the important thing is that formula feed can never replace the quality and nutrients found in breastmilk. I am all set to be a moo-moo once Bebe is born:)
I'm now down with a pesky running nose and sore throat which made me rather lethargic.. hope it goes away soon!
Dr Chew also told me that he will be doing a Strep-B test next week and will also discuss the birthplan with me. Well, i asked Chee Meng if he will want to cut Bebe's umbilical cord after delivery and he seemed a little queasy. Chee Meng said that Mrs Wong (our ante-natal class trainer) said that fathers no longer had that option, though i'm not sure if it was the case. Maybe he's just chickening out... haha... but it will be such a nice thing for Chee Meng to do, afterall, Bebe is so precious to us:)
I was also relieved that Dr Chew is very pro-breastfeeding. Dr Chew contributed an article in Mind Your Body yesterday which talked about the merits of breastfeeding. I am a believer in breastfeeding, coz i think it's the best thing a mother can provide for her child. Incidentally, the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE) also projected a savings of a couple of hundreds of dollars in milk powder if a mother choose to breastfeed her child. Wow! That's quite a lot of money! But money aside, the important thing is that formula feed can never replace the quality and nutrients found in breastmilk. I am all set to be a moo-moo once Bebe is born:)
I'm now down with a pesky running nose and sore throat which made me rather lethargic.. hope it goes away soon!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Simply glucose
Did my glucose tolerance test yesterday morning and luckily it did not turn out as bad as i expected it to be. Thanks to google, i read some postings that some women actually vomit after drinking the glucose drink coz it was too yucky. But it actually tasted like flat Fanta Orange and actually quite nice. The not so nice part about the test is the waiting time and the 3 bloodtests. Ok, just to share in greater detail:
I arrived at the Gleneagles lab at about 8.45am (had to fast from 12 midnight) and was promptly attended to. I had to provide a urine & blood sample to track the sugar level while i'm fasting. Thereafter, i had to finish up a bottle of orange-flavoured glucose drink within 5 mins which was not too difficult as it was not as yucky as i imagined. Then i had to stay within the lab premises for the next 2 hours (there goes my ambitious plan to shop around Guardian pharmacy for magazines etc while waiting) without any food or drink. I read internet postings about drawing blood samples in the 1st and 2nd hour after drinking the glucose drink, but i was also to provide urine samples as well. Luckily my bladder cooperated:) haha.
Ok, back to the test. My first urine/blood sample was taken at about 9.07am and i was asked to return to the counter at 9.55am to do my urine sample and at about 10.05am to do my second blood test. Then repeat the process at 10.55am and 11.05am. The urine sample was easy, but i was alternating between arms for the blood test, until the 3rd test where the lab technician said that she would find another vein to draw out the blood. So now i have 3 little needle-marks on my arms:)
So at 11.10am, i finally could get food! And Bebe moved a little less yesterday morning, most probably coz i was just doing nothing and did not ingest any food. He only moved about 65 times from 9am-2pm - and i think i counted less coz i was so preoccupied with food (after being deprived of it for almost half a day!!!). But since it's more than half compared to the previous day (ie, 90 movements), there is no cause for worry:) Bebe also moved a grand total of 108 times from 4-9pm yesterday! I didn't record the movements for the previous day as i was in a meeting and i could not multi-task (ie, speaking and counting)..
Well, i will have to wait till next Tuesday to find out if i have gestational diabetes (hopefully not!) when i see Dr Chew. Till now, i'll have to watch my diet and cut down on carbohydrates. Luckily i'm not crazy about chocolates otherwise it will be a bit tough..
Hope will have good news to share next Tue/Wed!
Wish me luck!
I arrived at the Gleneagles lab at about 8.45am (had to fast from 12 midnight) and was promptly attended to. I had to provide a urine & blood sample to track the sugar level while i'm fasting. Thereafter, i had to finish up a bottle of orange-flavoured glucose drink within 5 mins which was not too difficult as it was not as yucky as i imagined. Then i had to stay within the lab premises for the next 2 hours (there goes my ambitious plan to shop around Guardian pharmacy for magazines etc while waiting) without any food or drink. I read internet postings about drawing blood samples in the 1st and 2nd hour after drinking the glucose drink, but i was also to provide urine samples as well. Luckily my bladder cooperated:) haha.
Ok, back to the test. My first urine/blood sample was taken at about 9.07am and i was asked to return to the counter at 9.55am to do my urine sample and at about 10.05am to do my second blood test. Then repeat the process at 10.55am and 11.05am. The urine sample was easy, but i was alternating between arms for the blood test, until the 3rd test where the lab technician said that she would find another vein to draw out the blood. So now i have 3 little needle-marks on my arms:)
So at 11.10am, i finally could get food! And Bebe moved a little less yesterday morning, most probably coz i was just doing nothing and did not ingest any food. He only moved about 65 times from 9am-2pm - and i think i counted less coz i was so preoccupied with food (after being deprived of it for almost half a day!!!). But since it's more than half compared to the previous day (ie, 90 movements), there is no cause for worry:) Bebe also moved a grand total of 108 times from 4-9pm yesterday! I didn't record the movements for the previous day as i was in a meeting and i could not multi-task (ie, speaking and counting)..
Well, i will have to wait till next Tuesday to find out if i have gestational diabetes (hopefully not!) when i see Dr Chew. Till now, i'll have to watch my diet and cut down on carbohydrates. Luckily i'm not crazy about chocolates otherwise it will be a bit tough..
Hope will have good news to share next Tue/Wed!
Wish me luck!
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